
Part-DB is an Open-Source inventory management system for your electronic components. It is installed on a web server and so can be accessed with any browser without the need to install additional software.


If you want to test Part-DB without installing it, you can use this Heroku instance. (Or this link for the German Version).

You can log in with username: user and password: user, to change/create data.

Every change to the master branch gets automatically deployed, so it represents the current development progress and is maybe not completely stable. Please mind, that the free Heroku instance is used, so it can take some time when loading the page for the first time.


  • Inventory management of your electronic parts. Each part can be assigned to a category, footprint, manufacturer, and multiple store locations and price information. Parts can be grouped using tags. You can associate various files like datasheets or pictures with the parts.
  • Multi-language support (currently German, English, Russian, Japanese and French (experimental))
  • Barcodes/Labels generator for parts and storage locations, scan barcodes via webcam using the builtin barcode scanner
  • User system with groups and detailed (fine granular) permissions. Two-factor authentication is supported (Google Authenticator and Webauthn/U2F keys) and can be enforced for groups. Password reset via email can be setup.
  • Optional support for single sign-on (SSO) via SAML (using an intermediate service like Keycloak you can connect Part-DB to an existing LDAP or Active Directory server)
  • Import/Export system
  • Project management: Create projects and assign parts to the bill of material (BOM), to show how often you could build this project and directly withdraw all components needed from DB
  • Event log: Track what changes happens to your inventory, track which user does what. Revert your parts to older versions.
  • Responsive design: You can use Part-DB on your PC, your tablet and your smartphone using the same interface.
  • MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL are supported as database backends
  • Support for rich text descriptions and comments in parts
  • Support for multiple currencies and automatic update of exchange rates supported
  • Powerful search and filter function, including parametric search (search for parts according to some specifications)
  • Easy migration from an existing PartKeepr instance (see here)
  • Use cloud providers (like Octopart, Digikey, Farnell or TME) to automatically get part information, datasheets and prices for parts (see here)
  • API to access Part-DB from other applications/scripts
  • Integration with KiCad: Use Part-DB as central datasource for your KiCad and see available parts from Part-DB directly inside KiCad.

With these features Part-DB is useful to hobbyists, who want to keep track of their private electronic parts inventory, or makerspaces, where many users have should have (controlled) access to the shared inventory.

Part-DB is also used by small companies and universities for managing their inventory.


Part-DB is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (or at your opinion any later). This mostly means that you can use Part-DB for whatever you want (even use it commercially) as long as you publish the source code for every change you make under the AGPL, too.

See LICENSE for more information.

If you want to donate to the Part-DB developer, see the sponsor button in the top bar (next to the repo name). There you will find various methods to support development on a monthly or a one time base.

Built with


  • Jan Böhmer - Initial work and Maintainer - GitHub

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Based on the original Part-DB by Christoph Lechner and K. Jacobs