Installation of Part-DB via docker

Part-DB can be installed containerized via docker. This is the easiest way to get Part-DB up and running and works on all platforms, where docker is available (especially recommended for Windows and macOS).

The methods described here, configure PHP without HTTPS and therefore should only be used locally in a trusted network. If you want to expose Part-DB to the internet, you have to configure a reverse proxy with an SSL certificate!

It is recommended to install Part-DB on a 64-bit system, as the 32-bit version of PHP is affected by the Year 2038 problem and can not handle dates after 2038 correctly.


Docker-compose configures the needed images and automatically creates the needed containers and volumes.

  1. Install docker and docker-compose as described under
  2. Create a folder where the Part-DB data should live
  3. Create a file named docker-compose.yaml with the following content:
version: '3.3'
    container_name: partdb
    # By default Part-DB will be running under Port 8080, you can change it here
      - '8080:80'
      # By default
      - ./uploads:/var/www/html/uploads
      - ./public_media:/var/www/html/public/media
      - ./db:/var/www/html/var/db
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: jbtronics/part-db1:latest
      # Put SQLite database in our mapped folder. You can configure some other kind of database here too.
      - DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/db/app.db
      # In docker env logs will be redirected to stderr
      - APP_ENV=docker

      # You can configure Part-DB using environment variables
      # Below you can find the most essential ones predefined
      # However you can add any other environment configuration you want here
      # See .env file for all available options or
      # !!! Do not use quotes around the values, as they will be interpreted as part of the value and this will lead to errors !!!

      # The language to use serverwide as default (en, de, ru, etc.)
      - DEFAULT_LANG=en
      # The default timezone to use serverwide (e.g. Europe/Berlin)
      - DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin
      # The currency that is used inside the DB (and is assumed when no currency is set). This can not be changed later, so be sure to set it the currency used in your country
      # The name of this installation. This will be shown as title in the browser and in the header of the website

      # Allow users to download attachments to the server by providing an URL
      # This could be a potential security issue, as the user can retrieve any file the server has access to (via internet)
      # Use gravatars for user avatars, when user has no own avatar defined
      - USE_GRAVATAR=0

      # Override value if you want to show a given text on homepage.
      # When this is empty the content of config/ is used as banner
      #- BANNER=This is a test banner<br>with a line break
      # If you use a reverse proxy in front of Part-DB, you must configure the trusted proxies IP addresses here (see reverse proxy documentation for more information):
      # - TRUSTED_PROXIES=,::1,,,  
  1. Customize the settings by changing the environment variables (or adding new ones). See Configuration for more information.
  2. Inside the folder, run
   docker-compose up -d
  1. Create the initial database with
docker exec --user=www-data partdb php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

and watch for the password output

  1. Part-DB is available under http://localhost:8080 and you can log in with the username admin and the password shown before

The docker image uses a SQLite database and all data (database, uploads, and other media) is put into folders relative to the docker-compose.yml.


If you want to use MySQL as a database, you can use the following docker-compose.yaml, and follow the steps from above:

You have to replace the values for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_PASSWORD with your own passwords!! You have to change MYSQL_PASSWORD in the database section and for the DATABASE_URL in the partdb section.

version: '3.3'
    container_name: partdb
    # By default Part-DB will be running under Port 8080, you can change it here
      - '8080:80'
      # By default
      - ./uploads:/var/www/html/uploads
      - ./public_media:/var/www/html/public/media
      - ./db:/var/www/html/var/db
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: jbtronics/part-db1:latest
      - database
      # Replace SECRET_USER_PASSWORD with the value of MYSQL_PASSWORD from below
      - DATABASE_URL=mysql://partdb:SECRET_USER_PASSWORD@database:3306/partdb
      # In docker env logs will be redirected to stderr
      - APP_ENV=docker

      # You can configure Part-DB using environment variables
      # Below you can find the most essential ones predefined
      # However you can add add any other environment configuration you want here
      # See .env file for all available options or

      # The language to use serverwide as default (en, de, ru, etc.)
      - DEFAULT_LANG=en
      # The default timezone to use serverwide (e.g. Europe/Berlin)
      - DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin
      # The currency that is used inside the DB (and is assumed when no currency is set). This can not be changed later, so be sure to set it the currency used in your country
      # The name of this installation. This will be shown as title in the browser and in the header of the website

      # Allow users to download attachments to the server by providing an URL
      # This could be a potential security issue, as the user can retrieve any file the server has access to (via internet)
      # Use gravatars for user avatars, when user has no own avatar defined
      - USE_GRAVATAR=0

      # Override value if you want to show to show a given text on homepage.
      # When this is empty the content of config/ is used as banner
      #- BANNER=This is a test banner<br>with a line break

    container_name: partdb_database
    image: mysql:8.0
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --log-bin-trust-function-creators=1
      # Change this Password
      MYSQL_DATABASE: partdb
      MYSQL_USER: partdb
    # Uncomment the following line if you need to access, your MySQL database from outside of docker (e.g. for debugging), normally you should leave that disabled
    #  - '4306:3306'
      - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql

Update Part-DB

You can update Part-DB by pulling the latest image and restarting the container. Then you have to run the database migrations again

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec --user=www-data partdb php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Direct use of docker image

You can use the jbtronics/part-db1:master image directly. You have to expose port 80 to a host port and configure volumes for /var/www/html/uploads and /var/www/html/public/media.

If you want to use SQLite database (which is default), you have to configure Part-DB to put the database file in a mapped volume via the DATABASE_URL environment variable. For example, if you set DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/db/app.db then you will have to map the /var/www/html/var/db/ folder to the docker container (see docker-compose.yaml for example).

You also have to create the database as described above in step 4.

Running console commands

You can run the console commands described in README by executing docker exec --user=www-data -it partdb bin/console [command]


Login is not possible. Login page is just reloading and no error message is shown or something like “CSFR token invalid”:

Clear all cookies in your browser or use an incognito tab for Part-DB. This is related to the fact that Part-DB can not set cookies via HTTP after some webpages have set cookies before under localhost via HTTPS. This is a security mechanism of the browser and can not be bypassed by Part-DB.