
Part-DBs behavior can be configured to your needs. There are different kinds of configuration options: Options, which are user-changeable (changeable dynamically via frontend), options that can be configured by environment variables, and options that are only configurable via Symfony config files.

User changeable

The following things can be changed for every user and a user can change it for himself (if he has the correct permission for it). Configuration is either possible via the user’s own settings page (where you can also change the password) or via the user admin page:

  • Language: The language that the users prefer, and which will be used when no language is explicitly specified. Language can still always be changed via the language selector. By default, the globally configured language is used.
  • Timezone: The timezone in which the user resides and in which all dates and times should be shown. By default, the globally configured language.
  • Theme: The theme to use for the front end. Allows the user to choose the front end design, he prefers.
  • Preferred currency: One of the defined currencies, in which all prices should be shown, if possible. Prices with other currencies will be converted to the price selected here

Environment variables (.env.local)

The following configuration options can only be changed by the server administrator, by either changing the server variables, changing the .env.local file or setting env for your docker container. Here are just the most important options listed, see .env file for the full list of possible env variables.

General options

  • DATABASE_URL: Configures the database which Part-DB uses. For mysql use a string in the form of mysql://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT>/<TABLE_NAME> here (e.g. DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:password@ For SQLite use the following format to specify the absolute path where it should be located sqlite:///path/part/app.db. You can use %kernel.project_dir% as placeholder for the Part-DB root folder (e.g. sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/app.db)
  • DATABASE_MYSQL_USE_SSL_CA: If this value is set to 1 or true and a MySQL connection is used, then the connection is encrypted by SSL/TLS and the server certificate is verified against the system CA certificates or the CA certificate bundled with Part-DB. Set DATABASE_MYSQL_SSL_VERIFY_CERT if you want to accept all certificates.
  • DATABASE_EMULATE_NATURAL_SORT (default 0): If set to 1, Part-DB will emulate natural sorting, even if the database does not support it natively. However this is much slower than the native sorting, and contain bugs or quirks, so use it only, if you have to.
  • DEFAULT_LANG: The default language to use server-wide (when no language is explicitly specified by a user or via language chooser). Must be something like en, de, fr, etc.
  • DEFAULT_TIMEZONE: The default timezone to use globally, when a user has no timezone specified. Must be something like Europe/Berlin. See here under TZ Database name for a list of available options.
  • BASE_CURRENCY: The currency to use internally for monetary values and when no currency is explicitly specified. When migrating from a legacy Part-DB version, this should be the same as the currency in the old Part-DB instance (normally euro). This should be the currency you use the most. Please note that you can not really change this setting after you have created data. The value has to be a valid ISO4217 code, like EUR or USD.
  • INSTANCE_NAME: The name of your installation. It will be shown as a title in the navbar and other places. By default Part-DB, but you can customize it to something likes ExampleCorp. Inventory.
  • ALLOW_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS (allowed values 0 or 1): By setting this option to 1, users can make Part-DB directly download a file specified as a URL and create it as a local file. Please note that this allows users access to all resources publicly available to the server (so full access to other servers in the same local network), which could be a security risk.
  • ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_BY_DEFAULT: When this is set to 1, the “download external file” checkbox is checked by default when adding a new attachment. Otherwise, it is unchecked by default. Use this if you wanna download all attachments locally by default. Attachment download is only possible, when ALLOW_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS is set to 1.
  • USE_GRAVATAR: Set to 1 to use images for user avatars (as long as they have not set their own picture). The users browsers have to download the pictures from a third-party (gravatar) server, so this might be a privacy risk.
  • MAX_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE: The maximum file size (in bytes) for attachments. You can use the suffix K, M or G to specify the size in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. By default 100M (100 megabytes). Please note that this is only the limit of Part-DB. You still need to configure the php.ini upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to allow bigger files to be uploaded.
  • DEFAULT_URI: The default URI base to use for the Part-DB, when no URL can be determined from the browser request. This should be the primary URL/Domain, which is used to access Part-DB. This value is used to create correct links in emails and other places, where the URL is needed. It is also used, when SAML is enabled.s If you are using a reverse proxy, you should set this to the URL of the reverse proxy (e.g. This value must end with a slash.
  • ENFORCE_CHANGE_COMMENTS_FOR: With this option, you can configure, where users are enforced to give a change reason, which will be written to the log. This is a comma-separated list of values (e.g. part_edit,part_delete). Leave empty to make change comments optional everywhere. Possible values are:
    • part_edit: Edit operation of an existing part
    • part_delete: Delete operation of an existing part
    • part_create: Creation of a new part
    • part_stock_operation: Stock operation on a part (therefore withdraw, add or move stock)
    • datastructure_edit: Edit operation of an existing datastructure (e.g. category, manufacturer, …)
    • datastructure_delete: Delete operation of a existing datastructure (e.g. category, manufacturer, …)
    • datastructure_create: Creation of a new datastructure (e.g. category, manufacturer, …)
  • CHECK_FOR_UPDATES (default 1): Set this to 0, if you do not want Part-DB to connect to GitHub to check for new versions, or if your server can not connect to the internet.

E-Mail settings

  • MAILER_DSN: You can configure the mail provider which should be used for email delivery ( see for full documentation). If you just want to use an SMTP mail account, you can use the following syntax MAILER_DSN=smtp://user:password@smtp.mailserver.invalid:587
  • EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL: The email address from which emails should be sent from (in most cases this has to be the same as the email address used for SMTP access)
  • EMAIL_SENDER_NAME: Similar to EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL, but this allows you to specify the name from which the mails are sent from.
  • ALLOW_EMAIL_PW_RESET: Set this value to true, if you want to allow users to reset their password via an email notification. You have to configure the mail provider first before via the MAILER_DSN setting.
  • TABLE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: The default page size for tables. This is the number of rows which are shown per page. Set to -1 to disable pagination and show all rows at once.
  • TABLE_PARTS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS: The columns in parts tables, which are visible by default (when loading table for first time). Also specify the default order of the columns. This is a comma separated list of column names. Available columns are: name, id, ipn, description, category, footprint, manufacturer, storage_location, amount, minamount, partUnit, addedDate, lastModified, needs_review, favorite, manufacturing_status, manufacturer_product_number, mass, tags, attachments, edit.

The following options are used to configure, which (and how much) data is written to the system log:

  • HISTORY_SAVE_CHANGED_FIELDS: When this option is set to true, the name of the fields that are changed, are saved to the DB (so for example it is logged that a user has changed, that the user has changed the name and description of the field, but not the data/content of these changes)
  • HISTORY_SAVE_CHANGED_DATA: When this option is set to true, the changed data is saved to log (so it is logged, that a user has changed the name of a part and what the name was before). This can increase database size when you have a lot of changes to entities.
  • HISTORY_SAVE_REMOVED_DATA: When this option is set to true, removed data is saved to log, meaning that you can easily undelete an entity, when it was removed accidentally.
  • HISTORY_SAVE_NEW_DATA: When this option is set to true, the new data (the data after a change) is saved to element changed log entries. This allows you to easily see the changes between two revisions of an entity. This can increase database size, when you have a lot of changes to entities.

If you want to use want to revert changes or view older revisions of entities, then HISTORY_SAVE_CHANGED_FIELDS, HISTORY_SAVE_CHANGED_DATA and HISTORY_SAVE_REMOVED_DATA all have to be true.

Error pages settings

  • ERROR_PAGE_ADMIN_EMAIL: You can set an email address here, which is shown on the error page, who should be contacted about the issue (e.g. an IT support email of your company)
  • ERROR_PAGE_SHOW_HELP: Set this 0, to disable the solution hints shown on an error page. These hints should not contain sensitive information but could confuse end-users.
  • EDA_KICAD_CATEGORY_DEPTH: A number, which determines how many levels of Part-DB categories should be shown inside KiCad. All parts in the selected category and all subcategories are shown in KiCad. For performance reason this value should not be too high. The default is 0, which means that only the top level categories are shown in KiCad. All parts in the selected category and all subcategories are shown in KiCad. Set this to a higher value, if you want to show more categories in KiCad. When you set this value to -1, all parts are shown inside a single category in KiCad.

SAML SSO settings

The following settings can be used to enable and configure Single-Sign on via SAML. This allows users to log in to Part-DB without entering a username and password, but instead they are redirected to a SAML Identity Provider (IdP) and are logged in automatically. This is especially useful when you want to use Part-DB in a company, where all users have a SAML account (e.g. via Active Directory or LDAP). You can find more advanced settings in the config/packages/hslavich_onelogin_saml.yaml file. Please note that this file is not backed up by the backup script, so you have to back up it manually, if you want to keep your changes. If you want to edit it on docker, you have to map the file to a volume.

  • SAML_ENABLED: When this is set to 1, SAML SSO is enabled and the SSO Login button is shown in the login form. You have to configure the SAML settings below before you can use this feature.
  • SAML_BEHIND_PROXY: Set this to 1, if Part-DB is behind a reverse proxy. See here for more information. Otherwise, leave it to 0 (default.)
  • SAML_ROLE_MAPPING: A JSON-encoded map which specifies how Part-DB should convert the user roles given by SAML attribute group should be converted to a Part-DB group (specified by ID). You can use a wildcard * to map all otherwise unmapped roles to a certain group. Example: {"*": 1, "admin": 2, "editor": 3}. This would map all roles to the group with ID 1, except the role admin, which is mapped to the group with ID 2, and the role editor, which is mapped to the group with ID 3.
  • SAML_UPDATE_GROUP_ON_LOGIN: When this is enabled the group of the user is updated on every login of the user based on the SAML role attributes. When this is disabled, the group is only assigned on the first login of the user, and a Part-DB administrator can change the group afterward by editing the user.
  • SAML_IDP_ENTITY_ID: The entity ID of your SAML Identity Provider (IdP). You can find this value in the metadata XML file or configuration UI of your IdP.
  • SAML_IDP_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_SERVICE: The URL of the SAML IdP Single Sign-On Service (SSO). You can find this value in the metadata XML file or configuration UI of your IdP.
  • SAML_IDP_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SERVICE: The URL of the SAML IdP Single Logout Service (SLO). You can find this value in the metadata XML file or configuration UI of your IdP.
  • SAML_IDP_X509_CERT: The base64 encoded X.509 public certificate of your SAML IdP. You can find this value in the metadata XML file or configuration UI of your IdP. It should start with MIIC and end with =.
  • SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID: The entity ID of your SAML Service Provider (SP). This is the value you have configured for the Part-DB client in your IdP.
  • SAML_SP_X509_CERT: The public X.509 certificate of your SAML SP (here Part-DB). This is the value you have configured for the Part-DB client in your IdP. It should start with MIIC and end with =. IdPs like keycloak allows you to generate a public/private key pair for the client which you can set up here and in the SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY setting.
  • SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY: The private key of your SAML SP (here Part-DB), corresponding the public key specified in SAML_SP_X509_CERT. This is the value you have configured for the Part-DB client in your IdP. It should start with MIIE and end with =. IdPs like keycloak allows you to generate a public/private key pair for the client which you can set up here and in the SAML_SP_X509_CERT setting.

Information provider settings

The settings prefixes with PROVIDER_* are used to configure the information providers. See the information providers page for more information.

Other / less-used options

  • TRUSTED_PROXIES: Set the IP addresses (or IP blocks) of trusted reverse proxies here. This is needed to get correct IP information (see here for more info).
  • TRUSTED_HOSTS: To prevent HTTP Host header attacks you can set a regex containing all host names via which Part-DB should be accessible. If accessed via the wrong hostname, an error will be shown.
  • DEMO_MODE: Set Part-DB into demo mode, which forbids users to change their passwords and settings. Used for the demo instance. This should not be needed for normal installations.
  • NO_URL_REWRITE_AVAILABLE (allowed values true or false): Set this value to true, if your webserver does not support rewrite. In this case, all URL paths will contain index.php/, which is needed then. Normally this setting does not need to be changed.
  • REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS: If this is set to true, all requests to http will be redirected to https. This is useful if your web server does not already do this (like the one used in the demo instance). If your web server already redirects to https, you don’t need to set this. Ensure that Part-DB is accessible via HTTPS before you enable this setting.
  • FIXER_API_KEY: If you want to automatically retrieve exchange rates for base currencies other than euros, you have to configure an exchange rate provider API. is preconfigured, and you just have to register there and set the retrieved API key in this environment variable.
  • APP_ENV: This value should always be set to prod in normal use. Set it to dev to enable debug/development mode. (You should not do this on a publicly accessible server, as it will leak sensitive information!)
  • BANNER: You can configure the text that should be shown as the banner on the homepage. Useful especially for docker containers. In all other applications you can just change the config/ file.
  • DISABLE_YEAR2038_BUG_CHECK: If set to 1, the year 2038 bug check is disabled on 32-bit systems, and dates after 2038 are no longer forbidden. However this will lead to 500 error messages when rendering dates after 2038 as all current 32-bit PHP versions can not format these dates correctly. This setting is for the case that future PHP versions will handle this correctly on 32-bit systems. 64-bit systems are not affected by this bug, and the check is always disabled.

To change the banner you can find on the homepage, you can either set the BANNER environment variable to the text you want to show, or you can edit the config/ file. The banner is written in markdown, so you can use all markdown (and even some subset of HTML) syntax to format the text.


You can also configure some options via the config/parameters.yaml file. This should normally not need, and you should know what you are doing, when you change something here. You should expect, that you will have to do some manual merge, when you have changed something here and update to a newer version of Part-DB. It is possible that configuration options here will change or be completely removed in future versions of Part-DB.

If you change something here, you have to clear the cache, before the changes will take effect with the command bin/console cache:clear.

The following options are available:

  • partdb.global_theme: The default theme to use, when no user specific theme is set. Should be one of the themes from the partdb.available_themes config option.
  • partdb.locale_menu: The codes of the languages, which should be shown in the language chooser menu (the one with the user icon in the navbar). The first language in the list will be the default language.
  • partdb.gdpr_compliance: When set to true (default value), IP addresses which are saved in the database will be anonymized, by removing the last byte of the IP. This is required by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the EU.
  • partdb.sidebar.items: The panel contents which should be shown in the sidebar by default. You can also change the number of sidebar panels by changing the number of items in this list.
  • partdb.sidebar.root_node_enable: Show a root node in the sidebar trees, of which all nodes are children of
  • partdb.sidebar.root_expanded: Expand the root node in the sidebar trees by default
  • partdb.available_themes: The list of available themes a user can choose from.